Almost at the end of the finish line and here's an obstacle. Testing the code, the ping sensor, the new body style and battery, Roboplow seems to not want to turn left or right even though the serial monitor is reading left and right. It just doesn't make sense. We checked, double checked and triple checked line by line. Why all of the sudden Roboplow doesn't want to make any turns? Our next point is to check all of the wires and bingo!!!! We figured out that terminals left and right do not work. Our theories:
1. When soldering the terminal left and terminal right three times (yes three time it came undone) we must of alter something with the chip
2. Maybe we did bad wiring and burnt the chip
3. Manufacture default
At this point we all got discourage, but like I told me team "This is part of our challenge gentlemen, we now have to come up with a solution." At this point my solution (quickest solution being that we only had three days left) was to purchase a new RC toy car.
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